Thursday, April 21, 2011

This is Jozefin "Jozey" Perez

A few days ago I told you guys that I am going to do a little "interview" with myself. :) So here it comes! It will be like different questions in different categorys, and I'll just answer it, because it's easier and more fun to read than a long presentation. :)

Routine Questions

Age: 18, I turn 19 the 4th of August.
Family: Mother, father and an older halfsister (21 years old).
Piercings: The tounge, the lip and of course the ears.
Live: My father, where I mostly live, lives in Brandbergen, which is 20 minutes with train south of Stockholm, Sweden, then 5 minutes with bus. My mother lives in Skogås, which is also about 20 minutes with train south of Stockholm. It's one station before where my father lives.
Pets: I have 3 cats at my mothers house, and 2 cats at my fathers house. And 1 rat at my mother's house, the other one resently died... :(
Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging out with friends, watching movies, singing, acting, playing the piano.


Artist: Lil Wayne
Drink: Coca-cola
Time of the year: Summer!
Color: Purple
Korean boy band: BigBang
Actor: I have a few, but one of them is Yoo Ji-tae

Either Or

Morning or Night: Night
Bus or Train: Bus
Piano or Guitar: Piano
Plane or Boat: Boat
Hot dog or Hamburger: Hot dog

Dream Man

All I can say is that he is asian. Not too tall. Kind, and have a sense of humor. He is taking care of me, and talks to me about everything. He let me take care of him too, and isn't afraid to ask for help or talk about his problems. He listens.

I don't know what more to write about myself right now. But I'll update my little "interview" when I know what more to write. :) Don't be afraid to ask if you have a questions. :)

Peace and Love - JP <3.

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