Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm sorry :$

I haven't been updating at all, I'm sorry! :( I was suppose to update when I got home yesterday from driving around with my old friend that's like a brother to me, but then we decided to go home to Mike, because he was bored. I thought that I would update over there but then my boyfriend was there, and he's visiting from England right now, so I had to spend time with him, and I just got home from there! Hope you don't mind, promise I will do better. :) He might be coming here but I don't know right know... Sometimes he's not always reliable... :( Even if he promised me, I don't know, but I can always hope for the best! :) Have a nice day, Yuki and I are going to clean my room now just incase, hehe. See you later, will update with a Word of the Day, Hottie of the Day and maybe a review, otherwise I'll do it tomorrow!

Peace and Love - JP <3.

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