Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Movie - Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night

Haruka Yamano(Noriko Aoyama) is from Japan and was on a trip to America, where she got in an accident and broke both her legs.
At the same time, her brother Koichi Yamano(Aoi Nakamura) is staying at home and have just bought a new camera. When Haruka returns home, their father has to go on a business trip and they have to stay home alone for a few weeks. The second Haruka comes home, wierd things start to happen. Glasses breaking, the wheelchair moves by itself. Koichi wants to know what's bothering his sister, and puts a camera in her room. What they will witness next is something that you pray will not happen to you.

Thoughts about the movie
I have two words for this movie: freakin' awesome! It was so much better than the American version of Paranormal Activity, even if some things was exactly the same. Because it was about a brother and sister having to stay home alone without their father, and stuff you get to know halfway into the movie that I can't tell you here if you want to watch it, it gets much more scarier! Lately I haven't been too scared when I've been watching horror movies, but this one... I swear that I screamed like I haven't screamed before, and it's kinda embarrasing to admit that I was actually crying at the end. If you love horror movies like I do, you have to watch this! I mean it when I tell you that everything about it is awesome, and the actors made it very believable. I was very scared... So I don't know if I have the guts to watch it again!
Btw, cute boy AND cute girl in this movie.

Acting: J J J J J
Story: J J J J J
Effects: J J J J J
Rewatchable: J J J J
Overall rating: J J J J J

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