Thursday, April 14, 2011


I am so disappointed right now at a certain person... A person that's very important in my life, and the trust/confidence(?) that I should have for him is completely gone right now... I am glad that I have Yuki here for me now, because I wouldn't wanna be alone, and thinking about stuff.
When you think that things are starting to get better, you go back two steps... If you understand what I mean? My english isn't always the best, but I do my best. :)
Well, Yuki and I are going to watch an asian horror movie now, so I'll have two asian horror movies to do reviews of! But it's so much fun, I just haven't had the time to do it, since my boyfriend is in Sweden... Well, I'll have all the time in the world tomorrow to entertain you! It's halv past 12 (AM), and it's time for me to watch the movie, and scare the hell out of Yuki! ;)

Peace and Love - JP <3.

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