Sunday, April 17, 2011

Home sweet home!

I'm finally home, alone. :) It's been really nice to have Yuki over here for a week, but it's always good to have some time for yourself too. Yuki stayed with my friends Stefan and Andreas, and they were going home to Stefan. And he is such a gentleman and gave me a ride home! :)

Well, I was at a football game yesterday... We lost... :( But DIF is still the best team in Sweden! Yuki and I met two friends from Skåne, Nico and Sebbe, that were going to the game to cheer at Malmö FF. And they won, those bastards... -.- But it was fun, it was actually the first football game ever for me! I usually go to see hockey, but it was really fun!
I took some pictures and filmed a little, but it's on Yuki's camera, so I'll put them up here another day!
After the game we went to Gullmarsplan and drank some beer with Yuki's mother and some friends of her. They had been at a hockey game, and got to meet the hockey players after the game! Cool. :)

Today Stefan came and picked us up and we went at a bbq party in Tumba! But we ate Mc Donalds, haha, but that's really good too. ;) Then it was too cold to sit outside, so we went inside to one of the boys.
And now I'm sitting here, very tired! But I've had a good time, and that's all that matters! I have some photos to upload, so I'll put some here now, and some tomorrow! :)

Our supporters ;)

More supporters


The game ;)


DIF's flag <3

Peace and Love - JP <3.

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