Monday, May 9, 2011

Word of the Day

Korean: 꿈 - kkum
English: Dreams
Swedish: Drömmar

It's very important to have dreams and goals of how you want to live your life. And it's important to know that you have right to have your own dreams and goals! :) I have a life long dream that I'm fighting for right now, it's gonna take a while, but I'll get there soon enough! :) And I also dream alot every night, and that's fun too. ^^
If you want to say I have a dream in Swedish, you say Jag har en dröm. And if you want to tell someone Last night I dreamed..., you say Inatt drömde jag...
I try to teach you just a little for each new word I put up here, it's not much but it's something. Hope you like it!

Peace and Love - JP <3

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