Thursday, June 9, 2011

Working in the sun

It's beautiful weather in Stockholm today, and Yuki(Kiki) and I found the best place ever to sit on! On a stair at Kungsbron with a tree that gives us shadow. Kiki brought her internet so we could sit on youtube, facebook and update our blogs a little. :) I have an internet, but I left it at a friends house the last time I was there, and that sucks. :(

I have been worried to get the ehec-infection that is pretty bad in Germany and other europe countries right now, and I get easily scared to get diseases. :$ But I'm sure I wont get one, but I'm still a little scared. :O
We have recored a video and took some pictures both from today and yesterday at work, when we were at Liljeholmsbron and counted bikes and went on some adventures. She's gonna send them over to me later, and I'll upload them here for you to watch. :) Have a super nice day/night, depending on where in the world you live! ^^

This is so funny, with KevJumba! Kiki!

Peace and Love - JP 

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