Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pictures - yesterday & today at work

Unfortunately the audio didn't work in the videos we recorded. :'( I'm gonna try and fix it, maybe ask some friends or something. :) But you'll get the pictures right know!

This is where we sat yesterday, at Liljeholmsbron

Me, unaware that the rain was coming

Kiki too

So cute!


We went on a little adventure, and found this big and cool tree

It had wierd holes in it


Then the rain came

My clipboard was so wet!


Ya man

Smile for the camera


Me on the adventure we had in the woods!

So this is where we sat today

Kiki at Kungsbron

My clipboard didn't get wet today, yeey!

Cutie Kiki

A top I found at H&M on our break today, I want it so bad!

Kiki is holding tasty cookies! Singoalla - Blueberrys and vanilla

Peace and Love - JP 

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