Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Time to dream

I have been thinking alot lately, about what I wanna do with my life, where I wanna be in a few years. What I want to achieve in life. My friend Yuki and I made a list of what we want to do in a lifetime. One of those stuff on my list is to move to Korea. It's the biggest dream I have right now! And I want to do this within a year. And to do that, I have to get a job that pays well, I have to get a visa and other stuff. But that's easy, if I just have it in the back of my mind all the time, to not lose hope of that my biggest dream actually can come true. And I think about it all the time. I had a job, working with Yuki, but it was just a temporary job. Now I look everywhere for a new job. I have a few thoughts and ideas what I want to work with. And we'll see if it gets me somewhere.

What I want to say with this, is that even if everything seems dark, even if all your hope is gone right now, and you feel like you're worthless, you can achieve your biggest dream if you just want to, and work for it. I don't have an education, just up to ninth grade. I haven't even worked alot at all, but I'm still gonna try to achieve my goals! You can do it too! :) Appreciate everybody that belives in you. And if nobody does, don't forget that you've got yourself to belive in! Prove the none-belivers wrong mate. ;)

Peace and Love - JP 

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