Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekly Favorites - week 29, 2011

Singer: Key (Kim Ki Bum) from the Korean pop band SHINee. His voice is wonderful to listen to!
Actor: Sung Joon, he plays Choi Ji-Hoon in the Korean drama serie White Christmas. The way he acts his role is amazing.
Thing to do: Play Eden Eternal with Yuki! ^-^
Movie: North Country. I actually watched it last sunday, but it's the best movie I've seen in a while, if you don't count White Christmas!
Song: Nicki Minaj - Dear Old Nicki.

Candy: Chocolate. 
Youtuber: KevJumba

Quote: Live and let live. I mean this tragic thing that happened in our neighbor country Norway... It's so sad that some people just can't let other people have their own opinion, and feel that they have to go around and shoot some helpless kids down to "win". What a coward to do something like that! Just let people live with their own opinions and values and it would all be fine... Or at least better than it is right now. I light a candle for the people that got killed in Norway, both by the bomb and by the gun, and for their families and friends.  

Peace and Love - JP 

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