Sunday, July 24, 2011

At home

I was suppose to go out with Yuki today, but when we had put on make up and was really pretty, the guys we were going out with said that they have to cancel... So we stayed home and had fun on our own! :D Well, what did we do? We played some games, played with the little "graffiti"-app on facebook and sent alot of pictures to our friends. ^^ Listened to music, texted friends, laughed alot. Yeah, and we ate sandwiches that you heat up in the oven too! Yummie. :)
Then I bought a few eyelashes online too:

Yuki is sleeping right now, and I'm sitting here and thought I would blog a little! I'm also playing the awesome game Eden Eternal! :) Good night people. ;)

Peace and Love - JP 

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