Sunday, May 22, 2011

F.T. Island is awesome

I have been cleaning my room today, and listening to music. I don't get tired of songs, and I've been listening to F.T. Island - Bad Woman over and over again, it's so awesome! And the leadsinger Lee Hong Ki is an angel, he has the most powerful, pure and beautiful voice I have heard in a man before. I love this guy's voice to death! Everytime I hear him sing I get speechless!

And I think I have a little crush on the drummer, Choi Min Hwan, who was Hottie of the Day last time... He is supercute, a badass drummer, he can sing, and he's acually younger than me! By a few months, I know, but still! Well, I have a celebrity crush on him, I wish I had the chance to get to know him. :$ Kiki.

Oh, now I'm in a hurry, my father is waiting for me in the hallway, we're going down to the garage to change the motor oil in my Rieju Drac, so I can go for a ride! Cya later! :)

The beautiful song Bad Woman LIVE:

Peace and Love - JP 

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